Friday, July 04, 2008


Final run for home

Rodeo means roundup, or the gathering of livestock (usually cattle or horses) to be counted, inspected and branded; as a sport it refers to the public spectacle in which the dynamic elements of a roundup are presented as a cowboy competition: bronc riding, bull riding, steer wrestling, calf and steer roping (with more recent additions such as barrel racing, chuckwagon racing and wild-cow milking), as seen in such annual events such as the Calgary Stampede.
Now that everyone is up to speed on the definition of Rodeo, I thought it would be fun with the rodeo in High River taking place lately to go down and check it out. I'm not sure if everyone realizes that the rodeos in some of our smaller communities throughout Alberta hold rodeos that rival the rodeo in Calgary with many of the top cowboys on the rodeo circuit competing. Also the chuckwagon racing is not to be missed. The idea of staging a chuckwagon race as an actual “event” was dreamed up by Calgary Stampede founder Guy Weadick. There are many thoughts on what inspired Guy Weadick’s dream. It’s been suggested that Guy Weadick saw match races at the 1922 Gleichen Stampede between farm wagons pulled by 4 horses. Or, growing up on cattle ranches, Weadick witnessed many impromptu races between ranch outfits at the end of a round-up where the wagons would race to the nearest town saloon and the last ones there had to buy the first round of drinks. So what ever the reason, it is exciting to say the least when four chuckwagons pulled by four horse teams along with their out riders come pounding down the track while jostling for position.I was most impressed by the Graham Sisters who are rising sensations in the world of entertainment. Going into their seventh year they continue to fascinate audiences completing many performances every year. Krista and Amber enjoy performing several dangerous maneuvers on their horses, including the Graham Trademark. Krista, 21 years old and Amber, 20, come from a ranching community near Marwayne, Alberta. Raised on horses, Krista and Amber have been involved in rodeo throughout their lives. If you get the chance to see them perform you will truly be amazed by the tricks they perform while going flat out on the back of a horse, well sort of on the horse.

See ya later

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